[Freedombox-discuss] http://politics.slashdot.org/story/11/07/18/0153204/Security-Consultants-Wa rn-About-PROTECT-IP-Act
ya knygar
knygar at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 01:43:08 UTC 2011
> Additionally, I think you haven't really gotten my point if you think
> that the proposals on this mailing list are "useful". They are useful to
> exactly the extent that they result in a FreedomBox getting made. So
> far, that means they are not at all useful, since no FreedomBox exists
> yet.
I have proposed Etherpad instance for a quick start or ERP ,or Wave,
it was in "..discussion.." topic
what are yours propositions?
> I think the only voting system necessary is work.
i have proposed GitHub as my work is there, what do you think on GitHub?
> A voting system now would yield lots of votes for "The FreedomBox should
> communicate with other FreedomBoxes using special FreedomMicroSatellites
> over a totally novel protocol that has been developed by various posters
> to a mailing list," and very few votes for "The FreedomBox should send
> and receive email over already-existing protocols." That's because the
> latter is very hip and exciting and edgy, while the former isn't.
i'v described earlier a couple of times some solutions,
i completely agree that good Etherpad with tags and topic list,
would be better than mailing list, open now and here,
even for people who don't use/like emailing,
i personally - highly dislike mailing lists.
that proposition system
"The FreedomBox should
> communicate with other FreedomBoxes using special FreedomMicroSatellites
> over a totally novel protocol that has been developed by various posters
> to a mailing list,"
could be made with Mozilla's survey system i propose in some other topic,
other variant is more like Voting
from existing variants,
for these to exist we need to list that variants,
kind of
like Marc has done for mesh
lists are bad for this, wiki either, Etherpads - good
don't see the problem, except - TAC members should Advice
it and some should just up that Etherpad.
ok, so, finally in a week or so - there are enlisted existing variants, as
an EXISTING projects, i mean,
MOST of them, majority, enough for a start - so our work is easier,
after that - people could VOTE, after it collaborate with
existing projects team to bring the project into FBox.
What could be easier and faster?!
Why do we need TAC before the voting and enlisting?
I think - for them to advice - Wiki is/isn't better than Etherpad,
mailing list is/isn't better than etc.
If it is a problem, i'm personally, can't say that advice could be helpful,
i know much of these systems already, to say - Etherpad is ok.
There are existing project for trans-universe laser communications,
if people would vote up as it a first need i don't see why we
should resist.
i think - we could reuse existing Etherpads if set-upping is too long.
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