[Freedombox-discuss] Privoxy no longer working, no networks configured as internal (?)

A. F. Cano afc at shibaya.lonestar.org
Tue Dec 18 03:34:56 GMT 2018

Well, not sure what actually caused this problem, but

sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy restart

seems to have fixed it.

It would still be interesting to know if anyone else has seen
privoxy stop working.

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 09:23:25PM -0500, A. F. Cano wrote:
> hi,
> I suspect this might be caused by the latest upgrade to nftables.
> Firewald refused to upgrade automatically so I did it via aptitude as I
> had done before, keeping the old firewalld.conf.  After checking the
> differences, there were only two:
> $ sudo diff /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf.dpkg-dist                                                                   
> 6c6                                                                             
> < DefaultZone=external                                                          
> ---                                                                             
> > DefaultZone=public                                                            
> 64c64                                                                           
> < FirewallBackend=nftables                                                      
> ---                                                                             
> > FirewallBackend=iptables
> Looks like the new versions still default to iptables.  Should be ok to
> leave the old version, but then privoxy doesn't work.
> Plinth/apps/privoxy says:
> Service Privoxy is not running
> Privoxy is available only on internal networks. 
> Currently there are no network interfaces configured as internal.
> Maybe some internal default in the firewalld config changed?
> Is this a known issue? Has anyone else encountered this?
> Plinth/sys/networks shows the firewall zone as "Internal" for the
> "Freedombox LAN", so there's some internal inconsistency.
> Any ideas what to check/change?
> Thanks.
> Augustine
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Augustine Cano				afc at shibaya.lonestar.org

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