[Freedombox-discuss] Summary of FreedomBox Foundation Summit

Sunil Mohan Adapa sunil at medhas.org
Wed Nov 21 19:41:04 GMT 2018

On 20/11/18 3:16 PM, samuk at disroot.org wrote:
> "Sunil says that it needs to be easier to make a FreedomBox
> accessible remotely"
> I quite like the way Home Assistant handle this:
> This article guides you through the configuration of Tor to provide a
> secure access to your Home Assistant instance as an Onion site,
> through Tor’s Hidden Service feature, from remote. With this enabled,
> you do not need to open your firewall ports or setup HTTPS to enable
> secure remote access.
> https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/ecosystem/tor/
> Also https://packages.debian.org/jessie/pagekite 
> https://pagekite.net/

FreedomBox currently implements easy setup of both Tor Hidden Service
and Pagekite. Hidden services have the problems that the end user must
be using Tor which is not great for hosting public blogs/wikis etc.
Pagekite does not work for services that are not HTTP/SSH like jabber,
mumble etc.

We have discussed exploring solutions using frontends with dedicated IPs
(thanks to Ardian Gropper for the idea) to suppliant existing solutions.


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