[Freedombox-discuss] firewalld update

permondes - sagen sagen at permondes.de
Thu Sep 13 17:46:10 BST 2018

Gladly sudo works again.
What I see now is:- quassel-plinth is newly added to zones/external and
../internal <- strange
in firewalld added is the line FirewallBackend=iptables
Issue remains that I cannot connect to my Quassel-core (no message in
Debian, remains stuck at SSL handshake in the android app)and that
freedombox.local cannot be used to access the box; IP-address works.
Any ideas?
Am Mittwoch, den 12.09.2018, 21:57 +0200 schrieb permondes - sagen:
> I had started this topic in Quassel but now I do not have access to
> it any more, so I have to continue on the mailing list.
> What I did was: "apt install firewalld", which changed the
> DefaultZone=external to public. There was an error message at the end
> of the install saying the operation (don't know which) was aborted
> before it could be finished. Later-on I changed the settings back to
> external and restarted the box twice.
> Now I have no access through freedombox.local any more, so also Proxy
> does not work. Nor Quassel. 
> It also says my user name is not any more in the sudoers file. I can
> ssh into the box but do not get sudo access.
> Now I am in trouble!!
> 	Dietmar
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