[Freedombox-discuss] Configuration questions

Jon Carriel joncarriel at protonmail.com
Mon Feb 25 23:07:01 GMT 2019

Hi -- I hope this isn't too much at once.

- I've long had the TOR browser running on Windows on my PC. Do I need to download the browser to the FBox?  The Windows or Linux version?

- I now can open a Chrome window and get into FBox without protests. However, when I try that from a (Windows) TOR browser screen, it insists the site is unavailable.

- In Configure app, I left the hostname as "freedombox" and did not enter a domain name, given that I currently am trying only to be reached by other local devices.

- When I ran the Certificates app, it installed, but finished saying "No domains have been configured. Configure domains to be able to obtain certificates for them." Do I need a domain name? Would a domain name change the basic access process?

- The Networks app doesn't see my Nearby WiFi Network (and Windows doesn't see the FBox).  I disregarded the manual's recommendation to purchase a separate USB WiFi device for the Cubietruck. Is this the cause of the problem?

- The Disks app, as warned, does not work. Is there any way to take advantage of the fact that the microchip has 64GB?

Thanks for all help!   JON

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