[Freedombox-discuss] Ejabberd & Gajim problems.

Geert Stappers stappers at stappers.nl
Mon Apr 6 07:34:59 BST 2020

On Sun, Apr 05, 2020 at 06:09:59PM -0400, A. F. Cano wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> FreedomBox 20.5 on an apu1d4.

According https://www.pcengines.ch/apu1d4.htm is it
a computer with 3 ethernet interfaces
to which wifi interfaces can be added.

> Ejabberd installed and passed all the
> diagnostic tests.  Dynamic dns installed with <hostname>.freedombox.rocks.
> Admin user was the only user on the FreedomBox.  Then I added a non-admin
> user when I attempted the tests from the external laptop (see below).
> Gajim 1.1.2 on Debian Stable (10.3) in the internal network (192.168.x.x)
> Same Gajim and Debian on the external laptop.
> Created 2 accounts on gajim (on an internal machine):
> <admin-user>@fbx.local (fbx.local is what the FreedomBox reports as Local
> Network Domain) in System->Name Services.  This account seems to work.
> I don't see the error below and changing its status from Offline to Available
> works.
> <admin-user>@<hostname>.freedombox.rocks (<hostname>.freedombox.rocks is what
> the FreedomBox reports as the Dynamic Domain Name in System->Name Services).
> The external host (<hostname>.freedombox.rocks is accessible from outside
> via the cell phone (I opened the relevant ports in the cable modem).
> I can ping <hostname>.freedombox.rocks from the internal network, so this is
> not a network issue.
> On startup

Please state  which network  is being used

> Gajim pops up a window that says:
> 	Could not connect to "<hostname>.freedombox.rocks"
> Server replied: The value of the    'to' attribute provided by the
> initiating entity in the stream header does not correspond to a hostname
> that is hosted by the server.

My guess is that it is saying

   fbx.local is not  <hostname>.freedombox.rocks

> Check your connection or try again later.
> 		OK
> The same message appears if I try to change the status of this account from
> Offline to Available.
> I then connected a laptop to the wifi on the cable modem, which is connected
> to the FreedomBox WAN interface.  I can access <hostname>.freedombox.rocks
> from the browser but I get the same error above when I start gajim or when
> I try to change the selected account from Offline to Available.  I even
> created another (non-admin) account on the FreedomBox and I get the same
> error, whether from the inside network or from the WAN interface, so this is
> not an internal-vs-external issue.
> I see no configuration in ejabberd that seems related to this problem.
>  Any hints as to what to try?

My hint:  Tell the fbx it is  <hostname>.freedombox.rocks

No, I don't know how

> It seems that it's ejabberd that is generating this error. 
> Is this a case of ejabberd not knowing about the dynamic dns name?

Yes, that is what I also think.

> Thanks for any help.

Please keep in touch

> Augustine

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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