[Fusioninventory-user] A proposal for the opposite term to 'Server Mode'.

Tomás Abad tabadgp at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 18:01:42 UTC 2012

    Hello Gonéri,

On 20/06/12 14:40, Gonéri Le Bouder wrote:
> 2012/6/19 Tomás Abad <tabadgp at gmail.com>:
>>    Hello,
>>    [...]
>>    I think that the solution happens for choosing another term for 'Server
>> mode' that has an opposite one.
>>    'Background Mode' instead of 'Server Mode' and 'Foreground Mode' as a new
>> term could be a solution. [...]

> Server mode means the agent will be always active. It can be in
> foreground (--no-fork) or
> background, it will stay in memory as a running process.

    Do you see in that the main difference between 'Server mode' and 
'Unnamed mode'? Whether that is true there could be another solution 
(other than 'Server Mode/Unname Mode').

    Another proposal could be:

       * Server Mode / Continuous Mode / AlwaysOn Mode / Resident Mode

          # fusioninventory-agent --daemon or
          # fusioninventory-agent --daemon --no-fork

         As you say, in this mode the agent is always running in memory
         and the task execution is driven by the OCS Inventory Protocol,
         so the result of task execution will be only sent to remote

       * ByDemand Mode / AsNeeded Mode /
         AsNecessary Mode / NonResident Mode

          # fusioninventory-agent (without --daemon option) ...

         In this mode the agent start and end up, and send the result of
         task to all defined targets, local and remote (the agent will
         be executed one time for defined target). To schedule the
         execution is needed to use 'anacron' or 'cron' in *nix, 'task
         schedule' in Microsoft Windows, etc.

         In this mode the agent starts and ends up when the last task
         end up its execution, and send the result of task to all
         defined targets -locals and remotes- (the agent will be
         executed one time for defined target). To schedule the
         execution in this mode is needed to use 'anacron' or 'cron' in
         *nix, 'task schedule' in Microsoft Windows, etc.

         (Note: 'NonResident' has been proposed by Mario Jorge
                de Sousa Freire.)

    Best regards.

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