Issues on Fedora Core 6 with minicom

Adam Lackorzynski adam at
Sun Apr 22 10:22:03 UTC 2007


On Fri Apr 20, 2007 at 16:20:07 -0600, Jeff Sadowski wrote:
> I don't know when the last time was minicom was working properly but I
> remember in the past it working correctly.
> It seems to work just fine using it with stuff at 9600 8n1 but higher
> rates seem to have issues.
> I have a number of switches that I use that require a faster rate.
> I'm useing FC6
> kernel 2.6.20-1.2944.fc6
> glibc glibc-2.5-10.fc6
> glib glib-1.2.10-26.fc6
> glib2 glib2-2.12.9-1.fc6
> ldd /usr/bin/minicom
> =>  (0x00e7f000)
> => /usr/lib/ (0x0071c000)
> => /lib/ (0x00c4a000)
> => /lib/ (0x00db2000)
>        /lib/ (0x00c2d000)
> I cleared all the connect strings
> When I start minicom I can see stuff from the device but can not send to it.
> Not untill I open another program called cutecom and send something
> with it first.
> after I send something with cutecom then I can use minicom.
> I suspect some sort of change in ioctl and it not initializing correctly.

I'm not aware of any changes in this area in minicom lately. With
working properly you mean a previous FC version (with different kernel
probably too)? You are not running Xen or similar?
I have no problems with latest minicom and a 2.6.20 kernel.

Adam                 adam at

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