[Neurodebian-users] anyone from ...intra.cea.fr ?

Yaroslav Halchenko debian at onerussian.com
Thu Dec 8 03:11:37 UTC 2011

On Thu, 08 Dec 2011, Gael Varoquaux wrote:
> You are seeing a lot of downloads from intra.cea.fr :).

I just spotted that there are regular fetches through rsync -- so
there is already someone having a mirror out there ;)

> I doubt that we can get a public mirror. CEA is not very public-friendly.
> Maybe we can get a private mirror, though, if we are taking too much load
> from you.

If I got it right, you didn't know about this rsync fetching activity...
so even if the mirror would be private to CEA it would be useful to
mention it among available mirrors (and note it as being
CEA-private) so newcomers from CEA could immediately get to high
local bandwidth ;-)

> I'll discuss this with the right persons in January; right now, I am not
> in France.

> Another option, that might be easier, is to get INRIA to provide
> mirroring, and have the CEA download from that.

could work too... ATM we are not really abusing the bandwidth but making
distribution more efficient and thinking about future would not
hurt ;)

Keep in touch                                     www.onerussian.com
Yaroslav Halchenko                 www.ohloh.net/accounts/yarikoptic

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