[Nut-upsdev] APC regexp match example in newhidups.8

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 03:14:40 UTC 2005

On 12/22/05, Peter Selinger <selinger at mathstat.dal.ca> wrote:
> Charles Lepple wrote:
> >
> > I was testing out newhidups with an APC UPS, and I noticed that I
> > needed '-x vendor=American.Power.*' instead of '-x vendor=APC.*' as
> > indicated in the man page.
> >
> > Do other APC USB UPSes use 'APC' in the vendor string? Should we
> > sidestep any such problems and just go with the hex vendor ID for APC
> > examples?
> I believe my wife's Back-UPS has 'APC' as the vendor. But I also
> believe that for the man page, I just gave a random example; the
> purpose was to illustrate what a regular expression is.

I was pretending to be a naive user who just googed for "APC"... yeah,
that's the ticket :-)

(This was after I spent a good five minutes wondering why nothing came
back from 'grep APC /proc/bus/usb/devices'.)

> Users should
> not normally have to use this option unless they have multiple UPSs,
> and in this case, they should use the actual vendor string of their
> actual device. Perhaps, for the man page, we should give a generic
> example such as
>  -x vendor='FooCorporation.*'

That could work.

I guess I was confusing normal newhidups mode with the generic
subdriver, which, if I recall correctly, requires a vendor or product

- Charles Lepple

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