[Nut-upsdev] Phoenix Ph1200upsb serial

Alex sud_NOSPAM at latinsud.com
Tue Jun 10 12:03:06 UTC 2008

Hi, i just got a Phoenix Technologies PH1200UPSB 1200va serial-port ups
and it is only partially supported by bestups driver (needs manual ID or
driver rewriting).

It comes with a tool called UPSilon 2.1 on a CD (which worked better
with TERM=linux).
After [sl]tracing it i came to these results:

- Command: I
 Response: "#XPHOENIX TECH   PH1200UPS  VER2.00C  "

- Command: F
 Response: "#220.0 006 23.50 50.0"
Seem to be nominal data: rating voltage, rating current, shutdown or
maximum batt voltage and hertz ?

- Command: Q1
 Response: "(234.0 165.0 234.0 000 50.0 27.2 00.0 00001010"

Command sequence used by UPSilon:
Q1, I, F, Q1, Q1, Q1, ...

UPSilon Screen capture:

(UPSilon) UPS Status Screen, Ver. 2.1    XPHOENIX TECH   PH1200UPS 
Copyright(C) 1998 Mega System Technologies, Inc.       2008-06-10, 13:22

|  UPS Type          : Standby        ||   UPS Input Voltage: 231.0
Volt      |
|  UPS Rating Voltage: 220.0 Volt     ||                            
----|--  |
|  UPS Rating Current:   6   Amp      ||  180  190  200  210  220  230 
240   |
|  UPS Line Frequency:  50.0 Hz      
||                                      |
|  Communication Port: /dev/ttyS0     ||   UPS Output Voltage: 231.0
Volt     |
|                                     ||                            
----|--  |
|     Input AC Power : Normal         ||  180  190  200  210  220  230 
240   |
|     Battery Status : Normal        
||                                      |
|     UPS Functioning: Normal         ||   UPS Power Loading:  
0%            |
|     Boost/Buck     : OFF            ||   
----|----|----|----|----|----|--  |
|     UPS Temperature: 00.0 C         ||   0    20   40   60   80  100 
120   |
|     UPS Self-Test  : Stop          
||                                      |
|                                     ||   UPS Battery Level:
100%            |
|  Count Down Function: ON            ||                            
----|--  |
|  Scheduling Function: OFF           ||   0    20   40   60   80  100 
120   |
|  Next Shutdown Time : ---  --:--   
||                                      |
|  Next Restart  Time : ---  --:--    ||   UPS Input Frequency: 50.0
Hz       |
|  ACfail Shutdown Delay:  5.0 Min.   ||               
--|----|----|----|--  |
|  UPS Turn Off Delay   :  3.0 Min.   ||   0    20   40   60   80   90 
100   |

System: Linux[localhost.localdomain]    Type 'r' to Redraw, Type 'q' to

(Note: in&out voltage varies among: 229.0, 231.0, 234.0, 237.0)

battery.charge: 45.3
battery.voltage: 27.2
battery.voltage.nominal: 12
driver.name: bestups
driver.parameter.ID: 610,1500,120,120,10.0,48.0
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
driver.parameter.port: /dev/ttyS0
driver.version: 2.2.2
driver.version.internal: 1.04
input.frequency: 50.0
input.voltage: 231.0
input.voltage.nominal: 120
output.voltage: 231.0
output.voltage.nominal: 120
ups.load: 000
ups.mfr: Best Power
ups.model: 610 1500
ups.status: OL
ups.temperature: 00.0

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