[Nut-upsdev] on Ubuntu Developer Summit (Oneiric), NUT and 2.8.0

Arnaud Quette aquette.dev at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 12:04:43 UTC 2011

2011/6/9 Arjen de Korte <nut+devel at de-korte.org>

> Citeren Charles Lepple <clepple at gmail.com>:
>  This seems ambitious for a few months. Then again, there's the old
>> quote about the person saying it can't be done shouldn't get in the
>> way of the person who is making it happen :-)
> Full ack. I'm not sure how much time I can spend on NUT, but especially the
> Windows port integration is something that makes me very uneasy.

so do I!
and I don't even yet know how it will fit with the NSS merge (with has a
higher priority)!
and that's why I asked Fred to generate a patch against trunk, for a 1rst
review, regression detection and improvement round.
that already produced fixes, but there come again git and friends (github
esp.) and its ease to handle patches and code review...

In its present state, I'm not too thrilled about the way it is integrated in
> the sources. It seems we're getting back to massive amounts of #if(n)def's
> in many critical parts of the code. I'd rather see this being integrated by
> putting the functions that are UNIX / Windows / other OS specific in
> separate modules and link in the appropriate version when we build the
> binaries.

part of the plan
we should have enough visibility for refactoring the beast.

>   * I would also propose that one of the first commits on a feature
>> branch should be a little more description of the requirements, or
>> design ideas.
> I'd too like to see a roadmap (the announcement of 2.8.0 months before is a
> good starting point).

sure, it's been stagging in my draft box for too long.
I'll sent it separately.

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