[Nut-upsuser] Re: MGE Evolution 1500 on Debian

arnaud.quette at mgeups.com arnaud.quette at mgeups.com
Thu Jul 21 07:59:53 UTC 2005


> Thanks for the reply and hope you enjoy your holidays.

fine, thanks. always too short, but it allows to recharge
the battery enough to face the huge mail stack ;-)

> ...
> >>Seens I did a test.battery.start, my UPS goes off (beep!) once per week
> >
> > in fact, it should have done the same before, as per ups.test.interval value
> > (default to 1 week)
> That's strange; I have 2 Evolution a 1100 and a 1500.
> The 1100 is ok.
> The 1500 is beeping for every weekly test since I've installed nut one
> month ago. I now only use the 1100 until I've solved the problem.

a right choice.

> But since the last test yesterday, the Evolution 1500 does not stop
> beeping and the shut driver report the following status: OL CHRG RB
> Does it means I have to change my battery? This UPS is less than 1 year
> old :-(

FYI, nut hasn't yet a way to differientate the various possible
internal error. So we can only raise "RB" (Replace Battery)
for the moment.

does this unit suffered from lightning or something else?
Anyway, you'll be contacted by MGE support to deal with this point.

> >>I've tried to upgrade to nut-2.0.2 (Etch package), my ups.status is now
> >>changing from: "OL CHRG OFF" to "OFF BYPASS" or "Data stale".
> >
> > there is something wrong with the latest changes to mge-utalk.
> > I'll have to check that deeper...
> Note that diffrent versions also report differnt status with the
> mge-shut driver. Which one should I better use?

yes, the MGE support isn't 100 % complete, although
we have the best and more complete one in NUT ;-)
so, always use the latest release (2.0.2 for now, 2.0.3 soon)

> 2.0.1: OL CHRG RB
> output.voltage: 0
> ups.status: OL CHRG RB
> 2.0.2:
> output.voltage: 0
> ups.status: OL CHRG RB OFF

the OFF status has been added for 2.0.2, as well as
the BYPASS status.

Notes on MGE units:
- you can have OL + OFF as OL means the UPS
is ONLINE and OFF means that the output are cut,
which are different (IIRC, I've got to clarify this for NUT)
- about the [DIS]CHRG, even if battery.charge = 100,
there is always a small consumption and thus a small
recharge needed. Other mfrs seems to not expose that,
while we do. Note that there are other case where it is
interesting to have that info, but it's on high end models...
- the above output.voltage validates that the output
are off (not feeding power == voltage 0). You can also
check on the front panel that the 2 plugs led are not light.

Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt
OpenSource Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/
Debian Developer - http://people.debian.org/~aquette/
... and much more ...

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