[Nut-upsuser] Re: MGE Evolution 1500 on Debian

Fnor fnor2 at free.fr
Thu Jul 21 12:15:37 UTC 2005

>>But since the last test yesterday, the Evolution 1500 does not stop
>>beeping and the shut driver report the following status: OL CHRG RB
>>Does it means I have to change my battery? This UPS is less than 1 year
>>old :-(
> does this unit suffered from lightning or something else?
> Anyway, you'll be contacted by MGE support to deal with this point.

I don't think so. What do you mean exactly by "lightning"?

> so, always use the latest release (2.0.2 for now, 2.0.3 soon)

Ok, fine.

>>output.voltage: 0
>>ups.status: OL CHRG RB OFF
> - the above output.voltage validates that the output
> are off (not feeding power == voltage 0). You can also
> check on the front panel that the 2 plugs led are not light.

Yes, the plugs green led is off and the battery red led is on.
The UPS is beeping!

I'm waiting for MGE support to contact me. Thanks for your help.

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