[Nut-upsuser] Will MGE-UPS Ellipse USBS auto shutdown?

Daniel O'Connor doconnor at gsoft.com.au
Sat Aug 12 12:19:21 UTC 2006

On Saturday 12 August 2006 21:21, Ben wrote:
> I guessed this meant that if I removed power, the system would
> shutdown when the battery hit 30% (which it did) and the UPS would
> power down 300 seconds after it reached 30% - (which it didn't, it
> just stayed on and kept beeping every 10 secs).
> I thought setting 'offdelay' would get me out of having to use
> 'upsdrvctl shutdown' - but it doesn't seem to be working. Is there any
> other way to avoid using this command?

No.. How do you expect the UPS to know when to turn off if the computer 
doesn't tell it? The delay stuff is there to give the system time to finish 
shutting down after it has told the UPS to power off. (As well as ensuring it 
does power cycle the load if the AC comes back before the UPS is off)

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
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