Fwd: [Nut-upsuser] Will MGE-UPS Ellipse USBS auto shutdown?

Ben shadroth at gmail.com
Sun Aug 13 13:20:20 UTC 2006

On 8/13/06, Peter Selinger <selinger at mathstat.dal.ca> wrote:
> Ben,
> Not all UPS hardward and not all drivers support ondelay/offdelay.  In
> any case, you should let your system shutdown script kill the UPS, at
> the very end, after all the disks have been mounted read-only, and
> just before the system is normally halted. This will turn off your
> computer safely. -- Peter

Ok, so if I want to use a UPS for a router, then I need to attach a
computer to the UPS as well, to ensure the UPS shuts down at a certain
point, otherwise the router will continue to use the battery and the
UPS will not deactivate itself before it reaches an unsafe level?

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