[Nut-upsuser] Problems starting upsd with newhidups
Arnaud Quette
aquette.dev at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 19:07:45 UTC 2006
2006/2/25, John Gruenenfelder <johng at as.arizona.edu>:
> On Fri, Feb 24, 2006 at 08:44:17AM +0100, Arnaud Quette wrote:
> >
> >I think you're facing a bug I've discovered yesterday, just after my
> >upload of 2.0.3, thanks to ubuntu: /var is now created upon each boot.
> >
> >Check that for more info:
> >https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/nut/+bug/6679
> >http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2006/01/msg00720.html
> >
> >So I'll have to upload a -2 release...
> >
> >Arnaud
> I read the two bug reports and it certainly seemed like the likely culprit.
> However, after I installed the 2.0.3-2 packages the problem remains. The
> symptoms are unchanged from my original email. I still get:
ok, I think we were on the wrong way. the below one should be the
source of the problem:
To validate, search for the right /proc/bus/usb/X/Y (where X and Y can
be looked up with lsusb) and check the right of it. It should still be
Changing this to root:nut (and 660) should solve the isssue...
I'll wait a bit more and upload -3 tomorrow.
Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer - http://people.debian.org/~aquette/
OpenSource Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/
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