[Nut-upsuser] Tripplite SU2200XL

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 16:55:52 UTC 2006

On 6/1/06, Kirk Bocek <t004 at kbocek.com> wrote:
> I ask if you've done a 'plugs out' test because I am concerned that the snmp-ups
> driver seems to be missing many read-only and read-write variables that I see through
> the web interface and through snmpwalk. I wonder if the driver is getting enough
> information to detect a low battery condition and perform a shutdown.

Most of the drivers don't look at voltages to determine a low-battery
condition; instead, the UPS sets a status flag that says when it
considers the battery to be low, and NUT acts on that flag. The rest
of the variables are just for monitoring and diagnostics.

If the additional variables do not fit into the IETF UPS MIB (NUT's
implementation is here:
http://boxster.ghz.cc/projects/nut/browser/trunk/drivers/ietfmib.h ),
you could post the results of snmpwalk to nut-upsdev and someone might
be able to help add a Tripp-Lite specific MIB to snmp-ups.

- Charles Lepple

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