[Nut-upsuser] Nut issue or MGE issue?

Peter Selinger selinger at mathstat.dal.ca
Sat Jun 3 18:58:16 UTC 2006


I wouldn't worry about it. UPSs are low-tech devices. The load
measurement circuit is probably cheap, and not very accurate. Its main
function is to detect overload conditions (loads > 100%), and not to
measure small loads to within one or two percent.

Measuring the charge is even more unreliable; most UPSs just measure
the battery voltage, which is a very crude measure of charge. The fact
that it immediately jumps to 86% as soon as you charge it seems to
prove this point. This is typical behavior for batteries. 

-- Peter

Scott "Tuc" Ellentuch at T-B-O-H wrote:
> > On Wednesday 24 May 2006 09:37, Scott Tuc Ellentuch at T-B-O-H wrote:
> > > > The measured load is varying.. If it truly is only a 60W globe then I
> > > > would say the UPS is broken.
> > >
> > > 	It is a desk lamp, with only a 60W Sylvania bulb in it. There is
> > > NOTHING else plugged in, not even the monitoring server. I was afraid it
> > > was broken. When I plugged the UPS back in, the first monitor of it said
> > > there was an 86% charge already. I plugged it in at 6pm. Its now 8pm and
> > > its claiming 91% charged.
> > 
> > Hmm, it's not a fluorescent tube is it?
> > UPSs don't really like devices with a poor power factor (eg fluro's, motors,
> > etc)
> >
> 	Nope. Standard filament based house bulb. I tried to get something
> that would be the most constant/etc.
> > 
> > 
> > > load.off - Turn off the load immediately
> > > load.on - Turn on the load immediately
> > > shutdown.return - Turn off the load and return when power is back
> > > shutdown.stayoff - Turn off the load and remain off
> > > test.battery.start - Start a battery test
> > > test.battery.stop - Stop the battery test
> > >
> > > 	I'll wait for it to claim to be fully charged before I
> > > start anything.
> > 
> > OK, worth a battery test I think.
> > 
> 	Thats weird... When I went to go recharge it , as
> soon as I plugged it in, (6:00p) it told me it was already
> 85% charged. By 10:41 it claimed to be at 100%. 
> 	At 9:07a this morning it still claimed 100% (OL CHRG
> in upslog). and I started a battery test :
> May 24 09:07:33 himinbjorg upsd[18558]: Connection from
> May 24 09:07:38 himinbjorg upsd[18558]: Instant command: admin at did tes
> t.battery.start on ellipse
> May 24 09:07:38 himinbjorg upsd[18558]: Client admin at logged out
> 	How do I know its doing anything though? Its 9:33a and I see :
> battery.charge: 100
> battery.charge.low: 30
> battery.runtime: 01715
> driver.name: mge-shut
> driver.parameter.lowbatt: 5
> driver.parameter.offdelay: 120
> driver.parameter.port: /dev/cuaa0
> driver.version: 2.0.3
> driver.version.internal: 0.65
> outlet.0.desc: Main Outlet
> outlet.0.id: 1
> outlet.0.switchable: 0
> outlet.1.autoswitch.charge.low: 0
> outlet.1.desc: PowerShare Outlet 1
> outlet.1.id: 2
> outlet.1.switch: 1
> outlet.1.switchable: 1
> output.voltage: 120
> ups.delay.shutdown: -1
> ups.delay.start: -1
> ups.load: 2
> ups.mfr: MGE UPS SYSTEMS
> ups.power.nominal: 1200
> ups.serial: unknown
> ups.status: OL CHRG
> 	And there are no front panel lights. I checked UPSRW and
> there are no variables there that look like they indicate it.
> 			Thanks, Tuc
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