[Nut-upsuser] MGE Pulsar M 3000 communication problems

Arnaud Quette aquette.dev at gmail.com
Thu Oct 5 16:18:29 UTC 2006

2006/10/5, Ingo Schaefer <ingo at ingo-schaefer.de>:
> Hi Arnaud,
> Am Donnerstag, den 05.10.2006, 14:33 +0200 schrieb Arnaud Quette:
> > it's a really strange problem!
> > Can you please make another test?
> > after having stopped nut (mge-shut, upsd and upsmon), simply launch
> > "mge-shut -DDDDD -a yourups", let it run for 1 or 2 mn and send me
> > back the output.
> suncore:root> /usr/local/ups/bin/mge-shut -DDDDD -a mge3000-1 |
> tee /tmp/nut_output.log
> debug level is '5'
> entering upsdrv_initups()
> entering setline(1)
> entering shut_ups_start()
> sent: (1 bytes) => 16
> sent: (1 bytes) => 16
> received: 85
> sent: (1 bytes) => 16
> received: 77
> sent: (1 bytes) => 16
> received: 16
> Syncing and notification setting done
> Communication with UPS established
> entering shut_get_descriptor(n 21, 9)
> entering shut_packet_send (8)
> shut_checksum = af
> sent: (11 bytes) => 81 88 81 06 00 21 00 00 09 00 AF
> received: 16
> shut_wait_ack(): Nothing received
> Retry = 1
> sent: (1 bytes) => 15
> received: 16
> shut_wait_ack(): Nothing received
> Retry = 2
> sent: (1 bytes) => 15
> shut_wait_ack(): Nothing received
> Retry = 3
> sent: (1 bytes) => 15
> shut_wait_ack(): Nothing received
> Max tries reached while waiting for ACK, still getting errors
> Unable to get HID Descriptor
> Network UPS Tools - MGE UPS SYSTEMS/SHUT driver 0.66 (2.0.4)
> This was the first time - nothing more.
> I could "successfully" capture a second one, you will find the log file
> at http://zeus.fh-brandenburg.de/~schaefei/nut_output.log

ok, the 2nd log confirm a pool of errors with a difficult recovery.

please, add "pollinterval=15" into your ups.conf definition, at the
end of the [mge3000-1] section, and then relaunch the above test and
send me the output.

> > you have also the option of a network management card, with our new
> > Network Shutdown Module (still beta):
> This I explicitely did not want, because I thought nut will do it.

yes nut will do data acquisition and network data serving, but it
doesn't offer such advanced features as the NSM does, and probably
won't before some time.
Anyway, that was just a side solution proposition, but we'll follow on
nut and find a solution to your problem.

Linux / Unix Expert - MGE UPS SYSTEMS - R&D Dpt
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer - http://people.debian.org/~aquette/
OpenSource Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/

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