[Nut-upsuser] MGE Pulsar M 3000 communication problems

Peter Selinger selinger at mathstat.dal.ca
Mon Oct 9 13:31:03 UTC 2006


there is a newmge-shut driver is in the current SVN tree, which is a
rewrite of mge-shut based on the newhidups USB driver. I don't know if
it is in working condition (Arnaud?). But you could try it. 

Although it seems that your problem is not the driver, but some other
link in the chain (perhaps the hardware). After all, others have
tested the same device with no problems. 

-- Peter

Ingo Schaefer wrote:
> Hello Arnaud,
> Am Freitag, den 06.10.2006, 09:21 +0200 schrieb Arnaud Quette:
> > can you now make an integration test (mge-shut, not in debug mode +
> > upsd + upsmon) and report back.
> > Note that you will need to adjust MAXAGE and DEADTIME to 20/25 seconds.
> I adjusted both a bit, MAXAGE to 45 (because 25 was not enough) and
> DEADTIME now to 25 (maybe I should also reduce the polling interval?)
> Bit I am afraid it was not successful.
> Oct  9 07:12:08 suncore mge-shut[26651]: [ID 702911 daemon.info] Startup
> successful
> Oct  9 07:12:08 suncore upsd[26652]: [ID 702911 daemon.info] Connected
> to UPS [mge3000-1]: mge-shut-ttyb
> Oct  9 07:12:13 suncore upsd[26653]: [ID 702911 daemon.info] Startup
> successful
> [several manual queries via upsc]
> Oct  9 07:13:16 suncore upsmon[26741]: [ID 702911 daemon.info] Startup
> successful
> Oct  9 07:13:16 suncore upsd[26653]: [ID 702911 daemon.info] Connection
> from
> Oct  9 07:13:16 suncore upsd[26653]: [ID 702911 daemon.info] Client
> monitor at logged into UPS [mge3000-1]
> Oct  9 07:18:49 suncore upsd[26653]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] Data for
> UPS [mge3000-1] is stale - check driver
> Oct  9 07:18:51 suncore upsmon[26743]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] Poll UPS
> [mge3000-1 at localhost] failed - Data stale
> Oct  9 07:18:51 suncore upsmon[26743]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice]
> Communications with UPS mge3000-1 at localhost lost
> Oct  9 07:18:56 suncore upsmon[26743]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] Poll UPS
> [mge3000-1 at localhost] failed - Data stale
> Oct  9 07:19:01 suncore upsmon[26743]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] Poll UPS
> [mge3000-1 at localhost] failed - Data stale
> Oct  9 07:19:06 suncore upsmon[26743]: [ID 702911 daemon.error] Poll UPS
> [mge3000-1 at localhost] failed - Data stale
> Oct  9 07:19:07 suncore upsd[26653]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice] UPS
> [mge3000-1] data is no longer stale
> Oct  9 07:19:11 suncore upsmon[26743]: [ID 702911 daemon.notice]
> Communications with UPS mge3000-1 at localhost established
> > Also note that the mge-shut rewritte for 2.2 (merge with newhidups,
> > which shares the same HID core) will greatly improve such kind of
> > problems, since the hardware is polled too much, even for constant
> > data. And I've already addressed this in newhidups. So we're more
> > about finding a temporary solution to your problem, while waiting for
> > the real good solution.
> as we now have version 2.0.4 - how long will it take to get 2.2 out? And
> plans yet?
> > > Thats the way I know OSS projects. Especially if supported by hardware
> > > vendors or distributors. Great!
> >
> > right, but what MGE does is still more an exception than the standard!
> I don't want to start a meta discussion about this. We did research
> about OSS and found that a lot of projects get support from hardware
> vendors or distributors. Lot more than expected. So MGE is in good
> company.
> On the other side is a lot of hardware vendors hiding their stuff and
> not let the linux developers write drivers.
> Regards,
> Ingo
> --
> "Milchreis schmeckt hervorragend, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr
> durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt."
>                                          gefunden bei frag-mutti.de

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