[Nut-upsuser] Zigor Ebro 650 compatibility

Martyn Hill martyn.joseph.hill at gmail.com
Sat Aug 11 11:03:31 UTC 2012

On 10/08/2012 22:27, Arnaud Quette wrote:
>     As I mentioned above I've now got it to 2.6.4, and have a new message;
>     [crees at pegasus]/usr/local/libexec/nut% sudo ./blazer_usb -a zigor
>     Network UPS Tools - Megatec/Q1 protocol USB driver 0.08
>     (2.6.4-Unversioned directory)
>        0.000000     debug level is '13'
>        0.001081     Checking device (0001/0000) (/dev/usb//dev/ugen2.3)
>        0.001688     - VendorID: 0001
>        0.001694     - ProductID: 0000
>        0.001697     - Manufacturer: unknown
>        0.001701     - Product: unknown
>        0.001705     - Serial Number: unknown
>        0.001708     - Bus: /dev/usb
>        0.001712     Trying to match device
>        0.001717     Device matches
>        0.001737     send_to_all: SETINFO ups.vendorid "0001"
>        0.001744     send_to_all: SETINFO ups.productid "0000"
>        0.001751     send_to_all: SETINFO device.type "ups"
>        0.001758     send_to_all: SETINFO driver.version "2.6.4-Unversioned
>     directory"
>        0.001764     send_to_all: SETINFO driver.version.internal "0.08"
>        0.001770     send_to_all: SETINFO driver.name
>     <http://driver.name> "blazer_usb"
>        0.001775     Trying megatec protocol...
>        0.001786     send: Q1
>        0.002191     read: Unknown error
>        0.002242     Permissions problem: Input/output error
> damn BSD USB stack. is it the "new" or the "old" (I may totally be off 
> topic!)

My FreeBSD 8 appears to be running/linking against libusb20 - the 'new' 

> it's not answering at all for now! the I/O error is initial.
> you should try using "export USB_DEBUG=3", which will enable libusb debug.
> I've just seen that Martin has sent more data... jumping on this mail.
> cheers,
> Arno

I'll also try this and see what it reveals...


"There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those who don't."

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