[Nut-upsuser] UPS compatibility list

Kris Jordan nut01.kj at sagebrushnetworks.com
Thu Sep 19 00:30:15 UTC 2013

Luke-Jr wrote, On 9/18/2013 1:02 PM:
> I wanted to suggest some rating for functionality. I got the UPS available
> that seemed to have the best possible rating from NUT's list (Eaton Powerware
> UPS 1500), and found out it doesn't support telling me battery level or
> runtime! :/

I'm avoiding Eaton/Powerware because the lack of usbhid support, the 
bcmxcp driver doesn't report much, but I have heard that someone is 
working on it. Also a PW5110 500 (to replace a APC RS 500) runs much 
warmer than I would like. I'm used to the APC RS line-interactive units 
and they don't get nearly as hot.

Otherwise, the Eaton/MGE UPS's have been great, a 5PX and an Evolution. 
The 5PX is kind of a cross, it has usbhid support and Powerware's better 
battery management feature.

I tested the mge-shut (serial) driver on the 5PX, the functionality and 
reported values appear identical.

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