[Nut-upsuser] SSL only working in DEBUG mode

Emilien Kia kiae.dev at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 16:33:43 UTC 2015

Hello All

2015-03-26 9:03 GMT+01:00 Arnaud Quette <arnaud.quette at gmail.com>:

> > What I will do is to move ssl initializing after usering and forking,
> than add key file right checking where ssl was initialized before (before
> forking).
> > As keys should be owned by nut user, this would not be a problem.
> > And moving this code, independently of SSL implementation (OpenSSL or
> NSS) should work. And will not add more code implementation dependent.
> >
> > Charles, Arnaud ? Ok with that ?
> Works for me at first, but I'll see once yiu push the PR and we have some
> tests validating the behavior in daemon mode, including some reload with
> added certs (will that work?!)

Fixed in PR #199 https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/pull/199
Tests are welcome.


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