[Nut-upsuser] upsmon Poll UPS "Driver not connected" messages

Larry Baker baker at usgs.gov
Mon Oct 19 21:01:46 UTC 2015

I use the NUT RPM package for CentOS 6.7, which is version 2.6.5-2.

I am testing implementation of NUT features with APC and Tripp-Lite USB UPS interfaces.  Things are going reasonably well.  However, I'm seeing many more messages than I would like in /var/log/messages when I boot the system without the UPS connected.  I have configured NOCOMMWARNTIME 3600, which takes care to only broadcast to logged in terminals and send me emails once an hour.  However, /var/log/messages is being filled with "upsmon[2391]: Poll UPS [tripplite at localhost] failed - Driver not connected" messages every five seconds.  I cannot seem to find a way to reduce that chatter.

These messages originate in pollups() in clients/upsmon.c.  It looks to me like pollups() sees the utype_t->status flag ST_CONNECTED set, yet the UPSCONN_t->fd is -1, which means there is no valid connection (upscli_sendline() in clients/upsclient.c sets UPSCONN_t->upserror = UPSCLI_ERR_DRVNOTCONN).  If ST_CONNECTED was clear, the connection would be retried.  It appears to me that because ST_CONNECTED is set, pollups() thinks it should have a good connection and is surprised to find out it does not.  Thus, it always writes the "Driver not connected" message to /var/log/messages.  This looks like an incorrect ST_CONNECTED state in the utype_t->status flag.

I know I can slow down the polling interval.  But, I really don't want to do that.  That reduces, but does not really eliminate filling /var/log/messages with all these messages.

Larry Baker
US Geological Survey
baker at usgs.gov

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