[Nut-upsuser] Tripp-Lite BCPERS450 shutdown/restart problems

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 14:02:14 UTC 2018

On Jan 22, 2018, at 3:00 PM, Ken Olum <kdo at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu> wrote:
> I tested the effect of setting UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.DelayBeforeShutdown
> using Tripp Lite's software, which appears to be as follows:
Theoretically, this should be the same as running the command "upscmd bcpers at localhost -u <upsd.user> load.off.delay <delay>".

> So if you could fix nut to use UPS.OutletSystem.Outlet.DelayBeforeShutdown
> in my case, or tell me how do it, I would appreciate that.

I still haven't had a good chunk of time to walk through the shutdown code (the part that handles "usbhid-ups ... -k"), but in the mean time, would you be interested in setting things up to rebuild the driver? (The next week is looking pretty ridiculous for me, so I don't anticipate being able to dust off my .deb build tree soon.)

My thought is that you can rebuild NUT with the same configuration options as the .debs, and the usbhid-ups driver should just drop in. The instructions are almost the same for Ubuntu as for Debian:

http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut-upsdev/2017-October/007341.html and

http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/nut-upsdev/2017-October/007343.html (omit the "git checkout" line; although we have a new-and-improved libusb branch, I think it's an unnecessary delta for your situation.)

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