[Nut-upsuser] New User Questions - With Belkin USB

David White whitedavidp at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 8 23:35:12 BST 2019

Thanks very much for the help Roger.

My ps|grep results almost mirror yours. Only my driver line is different 
- showing blazer.

But I am still seeing:

   Broadcast Message from nut at loca
         (somewhere) at 15:25 ...

   Communications with UPS belkinusb at localhost lost

   Broadcast Message from nut at loca
         (somewhere) at 15:25 ...

   UPS belkinusb at localhost is unavailable

This makes me think something remains broken. But

   upsc belkinusb

right after this gets results.

Any tips are appreciated. Cheers

On 7/8/2019 1:16 PM, Roger Price wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Jul 2019, David White wrote:
>> However I am a bit stumped on monitoring. What I want is to execute a
>> script when the UPS goes on battery. To do this, I think I have to
>> have the nut-client running. Is this correct? If so I seem to have
>> some troulbe.
> You need to have nut-monitor.service running. The command
>  systemctl list-unit-files | grep nut should report
>  nut-driver.service                         static
>  nut-monitor.service                        enabled
>  nut-server.service                         enabled
> plus any "delayed UPS shutdown" service you might use.  nut-driver is
> started automatically by systemd whenever nut-server starts.
> The command ps -elf | grep -E "nut|ups" should show
>  1 S upsd      3096     1 ... /usr/lib/ups/driver/...
>  1 S upsd      3100     1 ... /usr/sbin/upsd
>  1 S root      3104     1 ... /usr/sbin/upsmon
>  5 S upsd      3105  3104 ... /usr/sbin/upsmon
> Roger
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