[Nut-upsuser] Please share experience with PowerWalker UPSes

Georgi D. Sotirov gdsotirov at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 13:18:24 BST 2020

Hello all,

I have so far used only Eaton UPSes, but I'm considering buying 
PowerWalker VFI 3000RT LCD and on NUT compatibility page 
<https://networkupstools.org/stable-hcl.html> I see that PowerWalker 
devices are supported by blazer_usb 
<https://networkupstools.org/docs/man/blazer_usb.html> driver, which is 
"/based on fragments of publicly available protocol/". Over the internet 
I found various posts from users that successfully used such devices, 
but I'd like to query the NUT community to be sure.

So what's your experience with PowerWalker UPSes? Would you recommend 
them or rather not? What I should consider?

One thing that concerns me is that I do not see variables battery.charge 
and battery.runtime to be supported and for me this is important 

Thanks in advance for your answers!

Georgi D. Sotirov
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