[Nut-upsuser] UPS not Shutting Down

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 03:33:02 BST 2024

On Jun 2, 2024, at 12:14 PM, Roger Price wrote:
>> Is the comment about offdelay (in red) correct / can this line be eliminated?.  
> My understanding is "yes", but others may have deeper knowledge.

I don't have a ton of direct experience with this post-v2.7.4, but someone else wrote this up for overriding battery.charge.low: https://alioth-lists.debian.net/pipermail/nut-upsuser/2023-November/013481.html

(There are a few other override/ignorelb write-ups in the list archives, too. Unfortunately, DDG is not finding them and I just snagged the first hit on Google.)

The key is that any override.* variables without "ignorelb" are just telling white lies to any clients connected to upsd, without any corresponding change in behavior in the driver or UPS. With "ignorelb", you are telling the driver to ignore the UPS-calculated LB signal, and synthesize it using the override.* parameters.

So I would either:

1) use offdelay and don't use override.battery.runtime.low
2) use ignorelb and remove offdelay

I am skeptical that a Phoenixtec-based UPS has fully configurable shutdown thresholds, but that is probably based on very old information, and I would love to be proven wrong..

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