Please help crash: null byte in argument for long()

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Fri Apr 8 00:06:55 BST 2011

On Thu, 7 Apr 2011 20:40:38 +0200, Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at> wrote:
>   --fetch-uid UID [--output-file FILENAME]

Sounds useful for debugging. How would you specify the server/folder?

> > This database also looks like a good candidate for sqlite'ification.
> Yes, but it would be even better to improve internal data representation
> everywhere it's possible. :-)

Yep. It e.g. doesn't make sense to have 2 databases in the MappedUID
case (be they plain text or sqlite) as we have now:

One storing Remote UID and flags, and one storing a mapping between
Remote UID and Local UID. It could all easily fit into one
database. It's just a migration issue.

And yes, we should protect and warn when we find corrupt data...

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