Git release notes

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Thu Jan 13 10:55:10 GMT 2011

On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 23:25:42 +0100, Philipp Haselwarter <philipp.haselwarter at> wrote:
> So do yourselves a favour and don't procrastinate.

Hi there,
I am sure you don't mean it this way, but your tone comes across as
rather condescending (more than motivating or inspiring).

I believe that Nicolas is doing a great job as a
maintainer of offlineimap and if you look at the announcement emails
that he sent for each single release (summarized below for your comfort)
you can see that he did describe all high-level changes.

offlineimap was in non-maintainer hiatus for a few years(!) and active
development was only taken up again at the beginning of December last
year. If you believe you could have done a better job you had a few
years to pick it up.

While you have valid points that should be addressed I don't think there
is lots of value in trying to teach people that have volunteered because
no one else did for a few years.

Again, I am sure you don't mean it the way, but I have become a bit
sensitive over the years when people who just join try to tell us how to
do our unpaid job properly.


Subject: [ANNOUNCE] OfflineIMAP v6.3.0 released
To: offlineimap-project at
Cc: Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at>

OfflineIMAP v6.3.0 is out.

This release is more "administrative" than anything else and mainly
marks the change of the maintainer. New workflow and policy for
developers come in.

Since the previous release one bug fixes patch was applied and merged by
* fix terminal display on exit
* netrc password authentication
* user name querying from netrc

BTW, I don't think I'll maintain debian/changelog. At least, not in the
debian way.

Most users and maintainers may rather want to skip this release.
OfflineIMAP v6.3.2-rc1 released
The most interesting change is a primitive implementation of SSL
certificates check. The issue was reported back from debian where it was
raised. The version includes:

  * fix reading password from UI
  * use OptionParser instead of getopts
  * code cleanups
OfflineIMAP v6.3.1 released
OfflineIMAP v6.3.1 is out.

Yes, I know I've just annouced the v6.3.0 in the same week. As said, it
was not really a true release for the software. This last release
includes fixes and improvements it might be nice to update to.

  * Fix possible overflow while working with Exchange
  * Fix time sleep while exiting threads
  * UI output formating enhanced
  * Some code cleanups

cProfile becomes the default profiler. Sebastian Spaeth did refactoring
to prepare to the coming unit test suites.

> I might have been too vague about the actual _content_:
> This should be the user-relevant changes.
See above for a description of changes, and so far there have been no
visible changes but the ssl configuration. Should we have given an
example of how to configure it? Yes we should. But then, Nicolas is
currently working at updating our user documentation and changes the
docs is a bit useless until that conversion is finished....

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