SQlite backend series updated

Vincent Beffara vbeffara at ens-lyon.fr
Thu Mar 31 14:31:49 UTC 2011

SS> P.P.S. Sometimes I would love to have a --dry-run feature that would
SS> tell me what it would sync on a run. I am not sure how easy it would
SS> be to implement, but is that something others could be interested in
SS> as well?

That would be reassuring for testing out new features ... Couldn't it be
emulated by setting both ends to be read-only ? [I haven't looked at
the way you implement read-only, but if it is low-level enough in the
process, it would be very close to --dry-run or at least combinable with
it. I mean, dry-run == read-only and verbose.]

Am I completely off ?


|                 |   UMPA - ENS Lyon   | Mél: vbeffara at ens-lyon.fr |
| Vincent Beffara |  46 allée d'Italie  | Tél: (+33) 4 72 72 85 25  |
|                 | 69364 Lyon Cedex 07 | Fax: (+33) 4 72 72 84 80  |

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