future of OfflineIMAP [long]

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Sat Jul 28 15:44:03 BST 2012

On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 05:45:05PM -0700, chris coleman wrote:

>    I obtained permission from jetbrains for all official members of the
>    OfflineIMAP project to receive free licenses of their cross-platform
>    (Linux, Windows, Mac) Python IDE "pyCharm". 

I took a look at this. Thank you much for the offer.

>    I've played with pyCharm and I like it a lot- it's got very handy unit
>    test features, integrates quite smoothly with github, supports refactoring
>    and code analysis.  It should help to accelerate locating the causes of
>    these bugs, and substantially to boost quality of the code.

I worry about using dedicated tools/tests for a few developers where we
would need every users to run tests whithout having potential compagny
restrictions in the long term. So, I'm convinced such IDE or continous
integration tool might be a big plus but there are alternatives around
which could better fit users expectations, I guess.


Nicolas Sebrecht

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