A problem with syncing from local to imap

Pablo Olmos de Aguilera C. pablo.olmosdeaguilera at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 01:43:48 GMT 2013

Marcin Borkowski <mbork <at> wmi.amu.edu.pl> writes:

> Hello,
> I installed offlineimap (version 6.3.4), configured it by modifying the
> example conf file as little as possible;), and tried to use it.  It
> downloads the messages from the remote server properly, but somehow
> does not do the reverse (i.e., does not copy new emails from my local
> repository to the remote one).  After enabling debug, it complains
> about read-only remote repository (but I have readonly = False in
> my ~/.offlineimaprc).  I downloaded the newest (6.5.4) version, and the
> error message disappears, but the messages still don't get copied. (I
> need this behavior since I want to use a mail client which just copies
> sent messages to the "Sent" folder in my local maildir, and I want to
> have them copied to the remote server, too, in case I want to access my
> emails e.g. via web client.)  What may be the reason for this? Here is
> the relevant portion of my ~/.offlineimaprc:
> [...]

I just started to use offlineimap, so I don't know if this is going to help you,
but I don't see anything about nametrans, and afaik could be the culprit.

Did you check this article?

"Since 6.4.0, OfflineImap supports the creation of folders on the remote
repository and that complicates things. Previously, only one nametrans setting
on the remote repository was needed and that transformed a remote to a local
name. However, **nametrans transformations are one-way, and OfflineImap has no
way using those rules on the remote repository to back local names to remote

Hope it helps :)

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