IDLE does not idle, offlineimap immediately returns

Franz Fellner at
Tue Jul 23 14:17:37 BST 2013

Hi Tomek,
thx for your reply!

> Running "offlineimap -o" always causes it to exit after a 
> single sync. To get
Aha! The problem is, that I ran it without "-o" before and it did not work, either. I attached the "-o" as most sample configs used it (mutt etc.).

> IDLE working (and benefit the most from it) you should run offlineimap
> normally, but set autorefresh to a high value and idlefolders to your INBOX.
It would be great if this behaviour would be documented better. I was not aware that I had to use autorefresh, when I actually want to use IDLE. IDLE setup uses keepalive, so I thought that should be enough.

> Then offlineimap will stay in the background, it will have to do a "SO SLOW"
> sync from time to time, but IDLE will take care of handling you the e-mails
> instantly.
Those slow syncs don't bother me, if they only occur occasionally.

But now I ran into another issue (which looks like a bug to me):
From my two accounts offlineimap only syncs the first one. After syncing it immediately starts idling on that. The second one neither get's refreshed nor idled.

>> BTW.: Though I said "yes" to recieve my own messages to the 
>> list i did not get a copy of my initial mail, so had to reply 
>> to my sent message in order to keep track of the topic.
> I think that gmail recognizes when you receive your own message 
> from a mailing
> list and does not show it as a "new e-mail" because you can see 
> it in the INBOX
> either way
Hmm, that would be stupid, but it could be the answer :)


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