offlineimap erroneously maps T => \Deleted

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Fri Dec 5 15:22:57 GMT 2014

Am 04.12.2014 07:58, schrieb Paul Rankin:
> However, offlineimap is mapping `T` => `\Deleted` which causes emails to
> be immediately deleted. The `T` flag is *not equivalent* to the
> `\Deleted` IMAP flag (see <>).
> Both FastMail staff and mu/mu4e creator (see
> <!topic/mu-discuss/m4ORymDlf0E>) have
> confirmed that this is erroneous behaviour.
> Can you please stop mapping `T` => `\Deleted`?

Hi Paul,

I just read the thread you linked above, and nobody seems to be saying 
that the Maildir "T" flag does not correspond to the IMAP \deleted flag. 
This behavior has been ingrained in offlineimap since the dawn of time. 
And the "trashed" Flag and the "\deleted" flag are very much equivalent 
from everything I have seen so far.

If Fastmail "auto-expunges" deleted/trashed emails then that is their 
servers policy, but why would you set the "trashed" flag in the first 
place? This is the first time, I have seen a complaint about this 
behavior :-).


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