Sync deleted emails with Gmail

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Mon Aug 15 21:20:10 UTC 2016

On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 10:03:39PM +0200, Wojciech Żuk wrote:

>    Hi Florian, thanks for this suggestion.
>    I could do that with one account then I could sync its Trash with
>    Gmail\Trash. But I use three remote accounts with three email-clients, so
>    any of these have different deleted files on Trash folders, now if I sync
>    these three Trash folders with one Gmail\Trash I think it will create
>    total mess.
>    One way sync feature with append not delete messages on folder would be
>    solution here. Then Gmail\Trash would collect deleted messages from my 3
>    accounts, and voila problem solved.
>    But I'm still thinking for any other solution.

We don't know your setup but it sounds quite complex.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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