<DKIM> Re: <DKIM> Re: <DKIM> Error when uploading to Gmail: reader socket error: <type 'exceptions.IOError'> Too many read 0

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Mon Sep 12 17:54:11 UTC 2016

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 06:02:10PM +0100, Sean Hammond wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Sep 2016, at 07:02 PM, Nicolas Sebrecht wrote:
> > On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 06:41:07PM +0100, Sean Hammond wrote:

> > > Copy message -124449 (175 of 124622)

> On running offlineimap again I see:
>  Copy message -1 (1 of 124448)
>  me at gmail.com:local:Migrated.INBOX.Archive.me at googlemail^com.Archive ->
>  me at gmail.com:remote
> ...
> Copy message -124284 (166 of 124448)
> me at gmail.com:local:Migrated.INBOX.Archive.me at googlemail^com.Archive ->
> me at gmail.com:remote
> And then the next time I run it:
> Copy message -1 (1 of 124283) ...
> ...
> Copy message -124110 (175 of 124283) ...
> (same folder)
> So it does appear that the total number of emails remaining to upload is
> going down, and therefore it _is_ uploading some emails on each run,
> before it freezes?

Yes, it is uploading fine.

There seems to be no limit regarding the number of emails because the
previous uploads gives 448 - 283 = 165 emails uploaded.

I'd say Gmail is closing the socket for another reason. Sadly, it is
closed abruptly without hints about why.

> But the count of emails in the folder in Gmail's web interface still
> hasn't changed. Maybe that's because it counts conversations not
> individual emails?

I don't know what the count of conversations is. I don't know how Gmail
update this number nor how the update of this number is triggered.
However, it looks like we can say it's not accurate.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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