<DKIM> Python 2 EOL

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Thu Jan 9 19:26:39 GMT 2020

On Thu, Jan 09, 2020 at 10:38:39AM +0100, Robert Wolf wrote:

> I had exactly same idea. Would it be easier just fix some python2-only code to 
> python3 instead of waiting several months (maybe years) for imapfw to be 
> finished and then another few months to test it and fix all bugs? I have read 
> about new imapfw at the project start and I know it could be good project, but 
> just now, offlineimap does everything, what I need and I know, it does it 
> correct without bugs. So I would prefer to keep using offlineimap with python3.
> Once more, thank you all for maintaining offlineimap.

Supporting python3 in offlineimap is not just a matter of some bug

We've started the developments to introduce python3 support in
offlineimap years ago.  However, the step to get this done is very high
and the task is very complicated.  There've been 3 (very serious)
attempts from experienced developers. I'm not counting some other small
attempts. All failed.

It appeared it's less complicated to write a new software from scratch.
That's the reason why I've started imapfw 4 years ago. Since then, I
keep repeating that we are still open to porting offlineimap on python3.
Some new small attempts from other contributors failed, too.

As a workaround to the coming transition period I think that advanced
users could write a script to get offlineimap installed in a python2
virutal environment, shim (pyenv) and/or in a python2 docker. I would
very welcome such contributions.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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