[OpenPGP-applet-devel] OpenPGP-Applet

thudoox thudoox at riseup.net
Mon Oct 9 17:52:12 UTC 2017

> Possibly you hit a gnome-shell bug where the icon doesn't show up. It
> seems like it's here (the empty square on the left). You can interact
> with it but the icons don't show.
> it's usually fixed by restarting gnome-shell with alt+F2 then "r" or
> restarting the applet. It can happen with other changing icons too, I
> get the problem often with Pidgin.
> Cheers,
I tried Debian 9.2 on virtual machine, openpgp-applet is working good.
Obviously, it's gnome bug.

Thanks for all!

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