[pkg-bacula-devel] Bug#681790: Bug#681790: Bug#681790: Bug#681790: /usr/sbin/bacula-dir: fails to upgrade database when database is on a remote machine

AZ Imballaggi S.r.l. - Enrico Ghera enrico at azimballaggi.com
Wed Jul 18 16:35:07 UTC 2012

Il 18/07/2012 18:03, Luca Capello ha scritto:
> Hi there!
> On Wed, 18 Jul 2012 03:18:44 +0200, Alexander Golovko wrote:
>> So, this is not a bug in package, but dbconfig-common habits.
>> Ofcourse, we should describe database upgrade habits in README.Debian
>> UPGRADE section.
> If you want to do that, then please go ahead, but strictly speaking this
> is not something that belongs to Debian, but in upstream manual.  Debian
> provides a way to manage local and remote database, via dbconfig-common.
> If the admin changes that, than she/he should *know* that automatic
> upgrades could fail (Debian can not assure all possible configurations).
> Enrico, I am sorry for the bug, but I bet that having configured the
> remote database via dbconfig-common (thus via `dpkg-reconfigure
> bacula-director-mysql`) would have resulted in a correct upgrade.
just to understand better (and avoid other useless bug reports):
everytime I modify my database settings I should run dpkg-reconfigure?
doing the work twice? (one for actual conf and one for dbconfig)
or I should run dpkg-reconfigure and it updates my conf as well?
or my brain is dead and I have not understood anything?

thank you
> Thx, bye,
> Gismo / Luca

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