[pkg-bacula-devel] squeeze backport for bacula 5.2.6+dfsg-7

Bart Swedrowski bart at timedout.org
Tue Jan 29 19:18:18 UTC 2013

Hi Luca,

Happy New Year ;-)

On 29 January 2013 19:09, Luca Capello <luca at pca.it> wrote:
> The principle should be the same for both source and binary packages:
> you should stick to squeeze as much as you can, full stop.  This means
> that your package should build with debhelper in squeeze (= 8.0.0) and
> libpq-dev in squeeze (8.4.13-0squeeze1).
> Adding extra dependencies from squeeze-backports means that you are
> targeting a non-existing distribution and you are losing control on how
> your package behaves.  IMHO you are not backporting anymore, instead you
> are adapting a package to a unclear environment.

I completely agree with above.  Do you perhaps have a reference to a
doc that would outline this or is it something that perhaps should be
proposed to be added to http://backports-master.debian.org/Contribute/

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