[pkg-bacula-devel] autopkttests

Sven Hartge sven at svenhartge.de
Wed Nov 14 23:26:27 GMT 2018

On 14.11.18 20:36, Carsten Leonhardt wrote:
>> On 14.11.18 17:41, Sven Hartge wrote:
>>> On 14.11.18 17:35, Carsten Leonhardt wrote:

>>>> as we are changing a lot of compiler options at the moment, I'm
>>>> considering adding at least basic autopkgtest. Something like ensuring
>>>> all binaries are actually executable...
>>> Testing bacula-fd and bacula-sd is quite easy, but the rest require some
>>> director + database setup (or we use the sqlite3 variant for that).
>> How about branching off current master to tinker with this, so we don't
>> pollute the main branch?
> Ok. Whoever starts first - I think I'm done for today.

I looked at the tests the Bareos Maintainers implemented to get an idea
on how to get started with the same for Bacula I come to the conclusion:
yes, we can adapt those to work for us.

Just like the piuparts tests we need three separate tests for the
different DB backends, because of co-installability problems, but
following their example this should not be too difficult to do.

Also the bareos default configuration contains a ready-made SelfTest
fileset which gets used during the test, the Bacula packages don't have
that, we need to create it during the test.

All in all this seems straightforward.


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