[pkg-bacula-devel] Change systemd unitdir to /usr/lib/systemd. (Closes: #1065313)

Sven Hartge sven at svenhartge.de
Wed Jun 19 17:20:16 BST 2024

On 19.06.24 00:06, Carsten Leonhardt wrote:
> Carsten Leonhardt <leo at debian.org> writes:
>> I still want to implement a warning and possibility to abort via debconf
>> about the space requirements when upgrading.
> So I pushed something that implements this.
> Possibly unattended upgrades will fail because I default to "abort the
> upgrade". Like in piuparts.

Can we detect a non-interactive upgrade and not ask the question?

> I've put the confirmation in the common bacula-director package for now,
> probably it's a bad idea because the database specific packages can be
> installed without having the director installed (whatever sense that
> makes).
> Maybe the database specific director packages should also have a
> "Depends: bacula-director" anyway?
Some distant memory churns that there was a problem in that circular 
dependency but I cannot put my finger on that.

Did it have to do with binNMUability or something?


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