[Pkg-crosswire-devel] JSword and Bible Desktop

DM Smith dmsmith555 at yahoo.com
Wed May 20 21:38:51 BST 2009

Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
>>> I've downloaded the source tarball it doesn't have Authors, Copyright,
>>> License, Readme, Install files so simply by looking at top-level
>>> directory I have no clue who wrote it, what license it is and how to
>>> set it up and start using it. Without this I can't even start
>>> packaging JSword.
>> What is expected in each of these files? Are all of them needed? I'll be
>> glad to create them.
> I think you might find the GNU Project guidelines as far as I know. In
> Authors/Copyright you write who wrote the code / to whom the copyright
> belongs. License is ussally verbantim copy of the license you are
> using (dowload of gnu.org). Readme anything you want users to read
> before installing software (e.g. you need this libraries available or
> these features work or don't work basicly anything unexpected that
> might happen with build system). Install is usally detailed
> instructions on how to configure, compile and install your software.
>> By and large, we've put all this information on the website.
> Great! So copy / reformat it and include it in the tarballs so that
> using the tarball people can figure out what needs to be done to use
> your great application.
>>> I then ran my magic tool "licensecheck -r ." which told me that all
>>> files are LGPL 2.1 with incorrect FSF address.
>> It was correct when we did the first one :) Never thought that they'd move.
> I know I never expected either =D very silly of them.
>>>  Either use template [1] or change the address in your current template or
>>> ommit address at all
>>> pointing to their website for example.
>> Changing it is no problem.
> cool
>>> BTW I have no clue how to package java applications / libraries. I've
>>> heard that ant is quite popular for java packages. If you are using
>>> ant could you please give me some details about it. If you are not
>>> using ant, could you please consider using it? There are tools
>>> available in debian to turn ant based projects into deb's.
>> We are using ant and a driving shell script to set parameters. My guess is
>> that this info goes into INSTALL? or is it another file?
> Yeap that info does go into the INSTALL. Are those ant XML files and
> shell scripts available in the tarball? Cause I did svn checkout and
> it looks a bit different from the tarballs.
Hmm. You forced me to look at it. :) I haven't in years. The src file is 
not at all useful for building JSword or Bible Desktop, though it 
contains all the source we've written. That'll need to change.

> Why are you publishing docs tarball seperate from the application
> tarball? Can the pretty documentation be create/generate using the
> "application" tarball?
The documentation could be built from the src tarball. It is there for 
those that don't want to.

> There is Debian Java Packaging Team[1]. I'm really not an expert in
> Java (I'm a C/python person). I think you are far more likely to get
> packaged with them cause they know what they are doing and might get
> the packages ready faster.

OK. I'll give them a go. But, if you don't mind helping me get past the 
hurdles you mention, I'd like to solve them first. I'll get back when I 
have something to show.

> Feel free to mention our team to them in case there is anything needed
> from the C++ sword (I don't think there is though).
> [1] http://java.debian.net/
Many thanks,

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