[pymvpa] libsvm dense arrays

Scott gorlins at MIT.EDU
Fri Sep 26 19:43:39 UTC 2008


Been using pymvpa for a few months now and really enjoying it - thanks 
for all the good work!

I was curious if it would be possible/useful to switch out the libsvm 
backend to the dense version mentioned here: 
http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvmtools/#1.  They claim 
approximately 40% increase in speed (though for much larger data sets 
than normal for mri), and since all fmri data is dense, it seems a 
natural move to me.  Has anyone experimented with this?  Or is a similar 
improvement already included in the pymvpa libsvm wrapper?  Or do you 
think the performance increase would be negligible?

Scott Gorlin

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