[pymvpa] searchlight demo clarification

Michael Hanke michael.hanke at gmail.com
Fri Dec 5 14:08:51 UTC 2008

On Fri, Dec 05, 2008 at 08:15:20AM -0500, Dornisch, John wrote:
> A list of some of the software installed for the PyMVPA.
> ii  python-matplotlib                          0.91.2-0ubuntu1
> Python based plotting system in a style simi
> ii  python-matplotlib-data                     0.91.2-0ubuntu1
> Python based plotting system (data package)
> ii  python-mvpa                                0.4.0-1~hardy.apsy1
> multivariate pattern analysis with Python
> ii  python-nifti                               0.20081017.1-1~hardy.apsy1
> Python interface to the NIfTI I/O libraries
> ii  python-hcluster                            0.1.8-1~hardy.apsy1
> Python functions for agglomerative clusterin
> ii  python-imaging                             1.1.6-1ubuntu5
> Python Imaging Library

I'd say that matplotlib is indeed the problem. The failing example uses
masked array for the brain slices and there are a few related bugfixes
after the release of 0.91.2 in the matplotlib changelog.

I have checked both version 0.87 and 0.98 of matplotlib and they work
fine -- could you try to up- or downgrade matplotlib?



GPG key:  1024D/3144BE0F Michael Hanke
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