[pymvpa] Please do not yet merge sg/master from alioth

Scott Gorlin gorlins at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 7 13:25:14 UTC 2009

Oh fudge, that was my first time using git - i'm not surprised I broke 

I thought that pushing something in my branch didn't affect the 
repository unless someone decided to merge it??  Should I be doing 
something else to update my branch without affecting master, or are you 
just concerned with the overall size of any files uploaded to alioth?

I was debating whether to put those files in data or in that folder - 
they are (tiny in comparison to normal plx files) sample data who's only 
purpose will be reading unittests, provided by plexon, and I figured 
they would not be of general interest so that's why I placed them in the 
io folder... but certainly they can be moved to data if you think that's 
appropriate.  They could be removed altogether if this is a real issue 
(or maybe one is smaller than the other - I haven't checked) though it 
would be nice to have one in just for testing purposes.

My bad...

Michael Hanke wrote:
> Hi Scott and list,
> yesterday two rather huge datafiles were pushed into the repository on
> Alioth, as part of a new data reader Scott is working on. Both files are
> currently located in mvpa/misc/io/plexon and together add 12 MB to the
> repository.
> Those file (if they are necessary for unittests are demonstration
> purposes) should go into mvpa/data. However, I am more concerned with the
> size of the files. They would effectively triple the size of the source
> tarball -- and I don't know whether it is worth it.
> Scott, can you add some information if those files are critical, or if
> their size could be reduced while preserving their suitability for
> whatever they are necessary for? The largest data file we had so far is
> the fMRI dataset with 1.3 MB.
> If it turns out that we need more and more data files, I'd prefer to
> separate them from the source tree and keep the repository at a
> managable size.
> Meanwhile I am going to revert that push -- so please don't merge it!!
> I want to emphasize that I am not against all this, but I just want to
> discuss this topic before we have it as a fact in the repository
> history.
> What do you think?
> Michael

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