[pymvpa] How to do a simple t or F test in PyMVPA
Michael Hanke
michael.hanke at gmail.com
Sat May 30 06:29:35 UTC 2009
On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 07:15:45PM -0700, Daqiang Sun wrote:
> Dear all,
> I was wondering how I can do a between-group voxel-wise t (or F, two
> groups though) test with PyMVPA. We have a paper in revision in which
> we applied PyMVPA classification, and we need to do some more
> calculations.
> My data are pretty simple. They are two groups of preprocessed
> structural images with labels 0 and 1. I don't need multiple
> comparison correction at this stage. I just want to count the number
> of voxels above an t/F or below a P value.
> I tried default OneWayAnova, like:
> > anova = OneWayAnova()
> > fmap = anova(data)
> but the numbers I got doesn't look like F values. We should have a lot
> of significant voxels but the values I got here are between 0 and 1.
> I guess I must have done something wrong here. What is OneWayAnova
> really for? Should I use GLM instead? How should I set up the options?
> I'd appreciate it if anyone could point me to a solution. Thanks in
> advance!
I guess you are right. OneWayAnova() would be the way to generate
F-scores, but it looks like it doesn't not return properly F-distributed
scores, because it does not consider the degrees of freedom --
unfortunately, it is probably me who is responsible :(
For now I would recommend to use SciPy's F-test implementation, e.g.
like this:
>>> scipy.stats.f_oneway(ds['labels', [0]].samples,
... ds['labels', [1]].samples)
That will give you both F-scores and associated p-value.
Moreover, I will fix OneWayAnova to use SciPy as well. For additional
tests also scipy.stats is probably the best source.
GPG key: 1024D/3144BE0F Michael Hanke
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