[pymvpa] How to do a simple t or F test in PyMVPA
Daqiang Sun
sundaqiang at yahoo.com
Sat May 30 02:15:45 UTC 2009
Dear all,
I was wondering how I can do a between-group voxel-wise t (or F, two groups though) test with PyMVPA. We have a paper in revision in which we applied PyMVPA classification, and we need to do some more calculations.
My data are pretty simple. They are two groups of preprocessed structural images with labels 0 and 1. I don't need multiple comparison correction at this stage. I just want to count the number of voxels above an t/F or below a P value.
I tried default OneWayAnova, like:
> anova = OneWayAnova()
> fmap = anova(data)
but the numbers I got doesn't look like F values. We should have a lot of significant voxels but the values I got here are between 0 and 1.
I guess I must have done something wrong here. What is OneWayAnova really for? Should I use GLM instead? How should I set up the options?
I'd appreciate it if anyone could point me to a solution. Thanks in advance!
Daqiang Sun
Clinical Neuroscience Lab
Department of Psychology
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